Why You Should Use Twitter As Your Customer Service

Nowadays Twitter can be looked at as being a great form of customer service. Even though there are other forms of communication other than Twitter, Twitter is looked at as more of an in the money fast posting conversation. When it comes to twitter also a lot of people do not seem to filter themselves here causing for a better way of you finding out exactly how your customers may or may not feel.

One of the first reason you should consider Twitter as your customer service is due to the fact of how much faster you can be able to help your customers. When it comes to twitter it is a great way of vastly getting to the source of your customer’s issues, their points of confusion and any other possible important issues that your customers may be having. This makes it a lot easier to where your customers can easily post their complaints and you can fast and easily respond to them.

Another amazing feature that Twitter has to offer is their automated system. When a customer post on social media they normally expect a pretty fast response and with quick reply automation this is possible. So you will be able to get directly to the source of your customer’s problem.

With Twitter, you are able to analyze interactions so that you can better learn how to help your customers more. Twitter is able to through their quick replies collect what is called a net promoter score rating that is aimed directly at helping to increase customer delight. With this feature, you are also able to take and analyze any conversation that you would like to.

With Twitter, you are also able to streamline some of your different customer feedback channels. This allows it to where you look a lot more customer focused when it comes to receiving all of your customer’s feedback. With this action, you can also implant a button onto your website so that your customers will have the necessary tools to direct message you.

Twitter has the amazing ability to be able to track your audience for you. These are easily viewable to you in your RSS reader and allows it to where you can easily see the stats of your audience and rather it is going up or down. This makes for an amazing function when you are especially trying to calculate your monthly audience average.

Having Twitter as your customer service base can have a lot of positive outcomes for your business, especially when it comes to your customers. This is one of the main places that your customers will tend to go and talk about reviews without filtering themselves. That makes for the perfect way for you to see their feedback and then take what they said and hopefully use it to build your business and make it better. So why not take the jump and allow Twitter to be your customer service base. You may end up being surprised by the outcome.